Bill Of Materials:

The bill of materials below is a list of the components you will need to follow this tutorial. Please take a close look at the tutorials pages to see what components you need, and how many you need. Some of the items are available in multi-pack from Amazon at a significant cost savings, just be aware the voltage you device to run at - try and get all 5v parts. All components should be rated at 5v if youre going to run your board at 5v.

Teensy 3.2 board with pins$19.95
MPU-6050 3 Axis Gyro/Accelerometer module$6.95
Micro SD TF Card reader module with SPI Interface$7.50
MAX98357 Audio power amplifier$5.95
WS2812 Neopixel Strip - 30 LEDs$12.50
A breadboard with jumper wire, resistors, LEDs and power supply breakout$17.95
9v 1Amp power supply$9.00
OR a 5V 5A power supply to wire in directly to the breadboard to power LOTS of LEDs with a MOSFET later on$16.49